Women's Group


Womens Group
Kavita Shah
(908) 580-1627, Email Contact

Mission Statement: The BCC Women’s Group will identify and implement projects of interest to women, such as career and professional development, health related issues, legal issues, emotional support, social activities, and volunteer opportunities.

Womens Group Womens Group

Womens Group

Example Long Description

Womens Group

Example Long Description

  • Temple will be open from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Icy conditions previal throughout the day, apply judgement/caution.
                  A Multi Deity Hindu and Jain Temple
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Specific Roles and Responsibilities:

The purpose of this group is to enable women in BTI/BCC community to come together to interact, network, share ideas, participate in a variety of activities in a compassionate and respectable forum to help them to handle their challenges, share personal experiences, and establish social connections.

• Organize discussions/seminars related to women
• Invite guest speakers/professional experts for presentations on topics of interest
• Hold classes/workshops (e.g. English speaking classes, hobby clubs, art classes, skincare and make-up classes, meditation classes, healthy eating and lifestyle, finance management class etc.)
• Organize book discussion/club (to meet at least 4 times a year)
• Organize family activities
• Create volunteer opportunities to provide a sense of community
• Provide opportunities to encourage social interaction, such as, cooking demonstrations, entertaining group programs, activities to encourage artistic expression, group travel opportunities, and recreational activities

Latest Information

  • Event 1
  • Event 2
  • ……..



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